What can be forecast if an eye is seen in the center of a storm by visible satel

游客2023-12-24  5

问题 What can be forecast if an eye is seen in the center of a storm by visible satellite imagery?
Visible satellite imagery can help forecasters determine whether or not there’s a clear eye in the center of a storm. An eye is a sign of a strong storm, and a clear eye is a sign of a storm that’s intensifying in a hurry.

选项 A、The storm is strong.
B、The storm is intensifying quickly.
C、The storm will clear in no time.
D、The storm will last for a long time.

答案 A

解析 事实细节的找寻与推断。本段关键句为“An eye is a sign of a strong storm, and a clear eye is a sign of a storm that’s intensifying in a hurry”,即卫星成像可以看到风暴眼意味着有强风暴,而可以看到清晰的风暴眼即表明风暴正在快速增强。本题所问为“an eye is seen”的情况,根据原文应是将有强风暴,选项A正确。因此,本题答案为选项A。