What was the volume of British exports to China in 2017? [br] [originaltext]The

游客2023-12-24  20

问题 What was the volume of British exports to China in 2017? [br]  
The mind-boggling scale of the inaugural China International Import Expo in October, attended by 160,000 buyers from more than 80,000 companies, is evidence of the demand of economic cooperation between China and the UK. Within just six days, the hundreds of British firms at the fair together secured 2 billion pounds, about $2.55 billion, of commercial deals, which is over 10 percent of the $22.31 billion of British exports to China in 2017.
The EU states have shown their political willingness to save the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) . Abbas Araqchi, Iran’s deputy foreign minister for political affairs, was quoted as saying. "However, they have delayed in developing operational plans to guarantee Iran’s economic interests under the deal," he said.

选项 A、They have displayed a favorable attitude yet little has been done.
B、They have saved the deal through political support.
C、They are developing operational plans to support Iran.
D、They are not interested in the deal at all.

答案 A

解析 语义的理解与判断。根据原文“The EU states have shown their political willingness to save the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal”以及“However,they have delayed in developing operational plans to”可知,欧盟国家表示愿意就该协定给予援助,但迟迟没有制定行动计划采取措施。选项A表述,欧盟国家给出了支持态度但没有做出行动,与原文相符。因此,本题答案为选项A。正确把握原文语义,对选项进行判断。