The world population was no more than 5.7 billion before the Programme was enfor

游客2023-12-24  8

问题 The world population was no more than 5.7 billion before the Programme was enforced.
In 2013, the world population neared 7.2 billion people and had increased by over 1.5 billion people since the adoption of the Programme of Action of ICPD, the International Conference on Population and Development, in 1994.

选项 A、True

答案 A

解析 数字信息的找寻与推导。根据原文“In 2013, the world population neared 7.2 billion”可知,2013年世界人口接近72亿,“had increased by over 1. 5 billion people since the adoption…”意为在方案通过后世界人El增长超过15亿。由此判断,该方案实施前世界人口不足57亿,题干中“no more than 5.7 billion”,即不超过57亿,与原文相符。因此,该题的说法是正确的。根据题干重点抓取相关数字信息,加以处理和推断。