
游客2023-12-23  33

问题    上海合作组织的成功经验,归结到一点,就是坚定不移地倡导和实践互信、互利、平等、协商、尊重多样文明、谋求共同发展的“上海精神”。“上海精神”已植根于各成员国的对外政策、价值观念和行为准则之中,越来越具有普遍的国际意义。


答案     The great success of SCO can be attributed to the fact that we unswervingly advocated and put into practice mutual trust, benefits, equality, and consultancy, and the fact that we respected varieties in civilization, in an effort to seek the "Shanghai Spirit" in common development. "Shanghai Spirit" can now be found in the foreign policies, values and ways of behaving of more and more countries.
   While peace, development and cooperation have become the trend of times around the world, both traditional and non-traditional factors are working together to pose great threat to security. Given that, more and more people from across the world ask for the establishment of a security sense emphasizing mutual trust, benefits, equality and cooperation; for the safeguarding of independence, sovereignty and national dignity; for the respect of a world with great varieties.
