Passage 2 [originaltext] When it was created more than half a century ago,in

游客2023-12-22  9

问题 Passage 2
When it was created more than half a century ago,in the convulsive aftermath of world war Ⅱ,the United Nations reflected humanity’s greatest hopes for a just and peaceful global community.It still embodies that dream.The United Nations plays an important role in creating and sustaining the global rules without which modern societies simply could not function.The World Health Organization,for example,sets quality criteria for the pharmaceutical industry worldwide.
    The World Meteorological Office collates weather data from individual states and redistri butesit,which in turn improves global weather forecasting.The World Intellectual Property Organization protects trademarks and patents outside their country of origin.The UN Statistical Commission helps secure uniformity in accounting standards.Indeed,it is impossible to imagine our globalized world without the principles and practice of multilateralism to underpin it.


答案 半个多世纪以前,在令人可怕的世界大战结束时,成立了联合国,反映出人类殷切希望建立一个公正与和平的国际社会。联合国仍然体现这个梦想。联合国在建立和维持全球性规则方面发挥着重要的作用。如果没有这些规则,现代社会简直无法运作。例如,世界卫生组织为全球制药业确定质量标准。//
