There are three different body types: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. Le
There are three different body types: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. Le
There are three different body types: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. Learning about all three and knowing which body type you are will help you understand why certain aspects of diet and workout are ______【B1】 and ______【B2】 for you than they are for other people. The main differences between the three different body types are ______【B3】 speed and bone structure. Ectomorph is the naturally ______【B4】 body type. Born with a super ______【B5】 metabolism, the ectomorph can ______【B6】 pretty much whatever they want and never get fat. However, the same quick metabolism also makes it extremely ______【B7】 for an ectomorph to gain weight and muscle. Endomorph is the naturally ______【B8】 body type. It’ s basically the complete ______【B9】 of the ectomorph. An endomorph could eat ______【B10】 as much as other people and still gain ______【B11】. Born with the slowest metabolism, the endomorph gains weight the quickest and easiest. Unlike the ectomorph and the endomorph that both have a ______【B12】 and ______【B13】 side, the mesomorph has the best of both worlds. They gain muscle almost as well as an ______【B14】, yet can lose fat almost as well as an ectomorph. You can’t change your ______【B15】. It’s just not possible. However, you can still be your own ______【B16】. You just need to tailor your ______【B17】 and workout accordingly. The endomorph can lose weight. The ectomorph can gain weight and muscle. The ______【B18】 can do all of the above. Whether you are an ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph, it is you, through hard work and dedication, proper diet and ______【B19】, that decide what your body will become. The three different body types are just a natural ______【B20】 point. [br] 【B1】
Did you ever notice that some people can eat whatever they want and rarely ever become fat? Did you ever notice how some people gain fat a lot easier and a lot quicker than other people? Did you ever notice the same thing about gaining muscle? It’s not your imagination. The reason for this is genetics.
You see, there are 3 different body types...ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. Maybe you have not heard of these terms before, so let me repeat and spell them for you: ectomorph, E-C-T-O-M-O-R-P-H, mesomorph, M-E-S-O-M-O-R-P-H and endomorph, E-N-D-O-M-O-R-P- H. If you have learnt about all three and if you know which of these different body types you are, you will understand why certain aspects of diet and workout are harder and slower or easier and quicker for you than they are for other people.
The main differences between the three body types are metabolism speed and bone structure. Let’s look at them one at a time...
The first is ectomorph. It is the naturally skinny body type of the three different body types. Unlike the mesomorph and the endomorph, the ectomorph is the person that has probably been very skinny their entire life. It’s not because of a great diet or workout, it’s because they are born with a super fast metabolism. This gives them the "ability" to eat pretty much whatever they want, pretty much whenever they want, and pretty much never get fat and never gain weight.
But, for those of you with one of the other different body types that might be a little jealous of the ectomorph right now, you should probably know that these genetics aren’t quite as great as they sound.
The same quick metabolism and genetics that keeps the ectomorph naturally skinny and lean are the same quick metabolism and genetics that makes it extremely hard for an ectomorph to gain weight, and more importantly, gain muscle. And trust me... I know this first hand... I am an ectomorph.
I have to eat insane amounts of food to gain weight. When I say insane, I mean it. And, not only that, but to maintain any weight and muscle I have gained, I have to constantly and consistently eat like this. As an ectomorph, my metabolism is literally so fast that if I miss a meal here and there, I will lose weight. This works out fantastic for losing fat, but for gaining and maintaining muscle and weight, it takes quite a bit of dedication and effort.
The second is endomorph, which is the naturally fat body type. These are the people who could eat half as much as what an ectomorph or mesomorph eats and still gain weight. The endomorph is naturally "big boned" and has what some people might describe as a body that is roundly shaped.
The endomorph has the slowest metabolism of the three different body types and can therefore gain weight the quickest and easiest. This is great for gaining muscle and strength, but terrible for losing and keeping off fat. It’s basically the complete opposite of the ectomorph.
The last but not at all the least; Mesomorph is the luckiest body type of the three different body types. The prototypical athlete, fitness model and bodybuilder. Where the ectomorph and the endomorph both have a positive and negative side, the mesomorph has pretty much the best of both worlds. They gain muscle almost as well as an endomorph, yet can lose fat almost as well as an ectomorph.
The truth is, despite the fact that there are 3 different body types, you CAN make each body type do what you want it to do. You just need to tailor your diet and workout accordingly. The endomorph can lose weight. The ectomorph can gain weight and muscle. The mesomorph can do all of the above as well. Don’t be mad at your genetics. Don’t use them as an excuse. If you are naturally inclined to be fat, it’s your fault if you actually become and stay fat. If you are naturally inclined to be very skinny and have very little muscle, it’s your fault for actually becoming and staying that way.
You can’t change your genetics. It’s just not possible. However, you can change your weight. You can change your body fat percentage. You can change how much muscle you have. You can change how much fat you have. The only reason your body isn’t what you want it to be is because of you and you alone. The different body types are just a natural starting point for what your body is. But, whether you are an ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph, it is you, through hard work and dedication, proper diet and workout, that decides what your body will become.
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