Power means an ability to do things and control others, to get others to do

游客2023-12-21  31

问题     Power means an ability to do things and control others, to get others to do what they otherwise would not. One can affect others’ behavior in three main ways: threats of coercion ("sticks"), inducements and payments ("carrots"), and attraction that makes others want what you want. A country may obtain the outcomes it wants in world politics because other countries want to follow it, admiring its values, emulating its example, or aspiring to its level of prosperity.
    Because the ability to control others is often associated with the possession of certain resources, politicians and diplomats commonly define power as the possession of population, territory, natural resources, economic size, military forces, and political stability. For example, in the agrarian economies of eighteenth-century Europe, population was a critical power resource since it provided a base for taxes and recruitment of infantry.
    Traditionally, the test of a great power was its strength in war. Today, however, the definition of power is losing emphasis on military force and conquest that marked earlier eras. The factors of technology, education, and economic growth are becoming more significant in international power, while geography, population, and raw materials are becoming somewhat less important. In this sense, it is important to set the agenda and attract others in world politics through soft power, which co-opts people rather than coerces them.


答案     实力是做事的能力,也是影响他人行为、使之做不会主动做的事情,从而达到自己目的的能力。影响他人行为的途径主要有三种:施压威慑(所谓的“大棒”模式),施以利益诱惑(所谓的“胡萝卜”模式),以及通过吸引使对方与自己的目标一致。在国际政治中,一个国家之所以有可能影响他国,从而得偿所愿。是因为那些国家追随其步伐,仰慕其价值观,效仿其经验,或渴望达到与之相仿的繁荣程度。
