What’s the main purpose of the passage? [br] "About 5 per cent of insured weddin

游客2023-12-21  10

问题 What’s the main purpose of the passage? [br] "About 5 per cent of insured weddings there never make it to the altar." The sentence implies 5 per cent of insured couples ______.

选项 A、failed to go to the church
B、didn’t change the place for wedding
C、didn’t get married at all
D、didn’t hold the wedding ceremony in a church

答案 C

解析 本题是理解题。此题主要是考察对“make it to the altar”  (走向圣坛)的理解。西方人的婚礼一般都在教堂举行,所以这句话字面的意思是5%的结婚保险投保人从没走向圣坛。实际上意思是5%的参加了保险的婚礼根本就没能举行。故C应为正确答案。