What will probably happen to the British diplomat in Congo Kinshasa? [originalte

游客2023-12-21  10

问题 What will probably happen to the British diplomat in Congo Kinshasa?
The government has accused a British diplomat of spying. It has Ordered him to leave the country immediately. Britain denies the accusation. The unnamed diplomat is among five people who were arrested by Congolese officials on Saturday. Five am British, one is American. All five work for the British government. They are being held in a hotel in Kinshasa. Britain has called for their immediate release. It says they were studying plans for the possible removal of British citizens from Kinshasa in the event of an emergency.

选项 A、He will be expelled from Congo.
B、He will be released immediately.
C、He will be serving many years of imprisonment in Congo.
D、He will be detained in a police station if he doesn’t admit his spying activities.

答案 A

解析 考查考生在上下文中的预测能力。新闻中有句话有提示作用,“It has ordered him to leave the country immediately”,所以英国间谍很可能就被驱逐出境。