Before Keynes, economists were gloomy naysayers. "Nothing can be done"," Don

游客2023-12-19  40

问题     Before Keynes, economists were gloomy naysayers. "Nothing can be done"," Don’t interfere," "It will never work," they intoned with Eeyore—like pessimism. But Keynes was an unswerving optimist. Of course we can lick unemployment! Theer is no reason to put up with recessions and depressions! The "economic problem is not, if we look into the future the permanent problem of the human race," he wrote.
   Keynes was born in Cambridge, England, in 1883. His father John Neville Keynes was a noted Cam-bridge economist. His mother Florence Ada Keynes became mayor of Cambridge. Young John was a brilliant student but didn’t immediately aspire to either academiv or public life. He wanted to run a railroad. "his so easy.., and fascinating to master the principles of these things, "he told a friend, with his usual modesty. But no railroad came along, and Keynes ended up taking the civil service exam. His lowest mark was in economics. "I evidently knew more about Economics than my examiners." he later explained.
   Keynes was posted to the India Office, but the Civil Service proved deadly dull, and he soon left. He lectured at Cambridge, edited an influential journal and socialized with his Bloomsburv friends, surrounded himself with artists and writers and led an altogether dilettantish life until Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated in Sarajevo, and Europe was plunged into World War I. Keynes was called to Britain’s Treasury to work on overseas finances, where be quickly shone. Even his artistic tastes came in handy. lie figured a way to balance the French accounts by having Britain’s National Gallery buy paintings by Manet, Corot and Delaeroix at bargain prices.


答案    凯恩斯以前的经济学家都是悲观的“说不者”。“无能为力”,“不要干涉”,“不起作用”,他们以一种Eeyore式的悲观声调说道。但凯恩斯是一个坚定不移的乐观上义者。我们当然能战胜失业!没有理由容忍萧条和衰退!“经济问题并不是——如果我们向前看—人类永久的问题”,他写道。

解析 本篇涉及的句子难度都不大,所用翻译技巧也很少。其侧重点在于一些词汇及词组结构,主要考查了学生的词汇能力。另外,学生的知识结构在解答本题时也有一定体现。一些必要的常识还是应该具备的。