The main reason why the whaling ships will probably be withdrawn is that [origin

游客2023-12-14  25

问题 The main reason why the whaling ships will probably be withdrawn is that
News Item 2
    The government in Tokyo has announced that the Japanese whaling fleet will return to the Antarctic this year. The fisheries minister said it’ll be protected by escort vessels.
    The last time Japanese whaling ships went to the Antarctic earlier this year, they were driven out by boats of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. The choice for next time was either to send a stronger fleet or to withdraw. (7) With the national budget drained by March’s earthquake and tsunami and the subsequent Fukushima nuclear disaster, many observers thought withdrawal was the likely option. It was openly discussed by government advisers. Sea Shepherd has pledged to be there too. (8) This was the closest Japan has come in 25 years to ending its Antarctic whaling program.

选项 A、Japan is lack of escort vessels.
B、the Sea Shepherd claimed to be at the Antarctic.
C、the national budget is shrinking.
D、the Fukushima nuclear disaster polluted the Antarctic.

答案 C

解析 根据句(7)可知,由于三月份日本遭受地震和海啸的袭击以及接下来的福岛核泄漏事件,导致日本国内的预算收紧,日本无法派出一支强大的船队,所以许多观察家觉得被撤回是很有可能的,故答案为[C]。