
游客2023-12-13  19

问题     我已经到了望九之年,可谓长寿矣。因此经常有人向我询问长寿之道,养生之术。我敬谨答日:“养生无术是有术。”因此,我首创了三“不”主义:不锻炼,不挑食,不嘀咕,名闻全国。


答案     One who overrates physical training while dreaming of living a long life as longing for clouds in a serious drought might be mentally unbalanced. On the contrary,  it is better to learn to let things take their own course.
    As for no picky eating, I often find people merely over forty start being extremely choosy about the food. Whenever sitting at table, they behave gingerly as if treading on thin ice. The embarrassment they show cannot but evoke laughter from all.   With such a mentality to seek for longevity, they can only end up in vain.
    The most important of the "three NOs", in my view, is the third one of avoiding grumbling under any circumstances. Be broad-minded, optimistic and cheerful, and you will be able to eat with a good appetite and enjoy a sound sleep. When you are faced with problems, try every means to solve them; when there are difficulties, do your best to overcome them. Neither fret over odds and ends, and reconcile yourself to any situation without principle,  nor become cynical towards life.

解析 1.本文多长句,翻译时首先要注意根据意群进行断句。划线部分第一句可把“反不如顺其自然为佳”单独成句翻译,前面部分成一句。此外,本句翻译时还要注意根据英文句法的需要,进行句式转换,原文的“如果……”可转换成定语从句修饰“如果”之前的人。“此人心态恐怕有点失常”可与前句合成一句话翻译,以避免短句太多,繁琐冗余。
2.划线部分第二句可根据情况断成三句进行翻译,在词语的选择上,挑食可分别翻译成picky eating和be extremely choosy about the food,避免重复;“每到吃饭”可根据英语的表达习惯翻译成whenever sitting at table。
3.划线部分第三句中的“南辕而北辙”,意译成end up in vain更加贴切。
4.划线部分第四句和第五句,翻译时可根据需要进行适当拆分组合,第四句中的“第三点”和第五句中的“不嘀嘀咕咕”指同一件事,可进行合并,把“不嘀嘀咕咕”放到第四句中翻泽,简洁而又不失原意。“决不视芝麻绿豆大的窘境如苏迷庐山般大”即使直译外国人也未必懂,所以可直接意译成fret over odds and ends。