Schools should ask students to help evaluate their teachers. Do you agree or
Schools should ask students to help evaluate their teachers. Do you agree or
Schools should ask students to help evaluate their teachers. Do you agree or disagree? Write a composition of about 400 words, using specific reasons and examples to support your idea.
In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Evaluating Teachers
From primary school to university, at the end of each semester, students will get their evaluations from the teachers, informing them of their performance for the period of time. It is almost self-evident that such practice is good for students. Now things are a little bit different. The roles become interactive: this time, at the end of a term or a course, students (usually at university level) are invited to help evaluate their teachers. Is this practice as good for the students? Definitely yes, in my opinion, not only for them, but for the teachers and the university as well.
There are many advantages for such a practice. One of them is that the evaluation from students is surly a valuable feedback to the teachers. This first-hand material can be used to improve the course and teachers’ performance. And the school will have a better idea of what students’ needs are and design programs to meet them. Teachers, in turn, will improve their course plans or teaching methods if the suggestions are reasonable and practical. Another advantage is that the process of writing evaluations will help students think seriously about the courses, and further, about the education. What does the education they are receiving mean to them? What do they want from such an education? How will the education best fulfill their anticipation? A third benefit is that the students will feel that the teachers and schools value their opinions much. In some way, they feel that they have a control over their education. A sense of responsibility is inspired then. Not only now will they receive education more happily, but also they want to participate in the course. Finally, when students evaluate their teachers, whether positively or negatively, they will realize that there is always room for improvement no matter what one does, and that they should always strive to better their performance.
Of course, when this new thing begins, it causes worries as other new thing does. Young teachers say that professors are surely more welcome, and the professors say they are too old to be the students’ friends. In fact, these worries are unnecessary as long as the teacher is a responsible one. University students can be trusted, because they are grown-ups. Though still young, they are honest and responsible. They, as their universities and teachers, want to make contribution to the improvement in education.
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