Mr. Starr is too good a historian to offer any pat explanation; instead, he

游客2023-12-11  1

问题     Mr. Starr is too good a historian to offer any pat explanation; instead, he concentrates on the extraordinary array of people and events that have led from the mythical land of Queen Calafia, through the rule of Spain and Mexico, and on to the governorship of Arnold Schwarzenegger. What other state in America would have elected an iron-pumping film star with an Austrian accent? Moreover, he does so with such elegance and humor that his book is a joy to read.
    What emerges is not all Californian sunshine and light. Think back to the savage violence that accompanied the 1849 Gold Rush; or to the exclusion orders against the Chinese; or to the riots that regularly marked industrial and social relations in San Francisco. California, it should be remembered, was very much the wild west, having to wait until 1850 before it could force its way to statehood.
    So what tamed it? Mr. Starr’s answer is a combination of great men, great ideas and great projects. He emphasizes the development of California’s infrastructure; the extraordinary system of aqueducts and canals that transferred water from the north of the state to the arid south; the development of agriculture; the spread of the railroads and freeways; and, perhaps the most important factor for today’s hi-tech California, the creation of a superb set of public universities.


答案     而且,斯塔先生的文笔简练、幽默,使得这本书读起来令人趣味盎然。

解析 1.第一段最后一句…he does so with such elegance and humor that his book is a joy to read体现了英语的名词倾向,三个中心词elegance,humor,joy都是名词,在翻译时根据汉语习惯进行增词并转换词类,译为“……斯塔先生的文笔简练幽默,更使阅读充满乐趣。”
2.第二段第一句中省略了in the book,在译文中应补充这个隐含语义。
3.第二句Think back to the savage violence…是个无主句,虽然比较长,但结构简单,可采用顺译法来处理。
4.Gold Rush:专有名词,指“淘金热”。
5.exclusion order’s against“对……的驱逐令”。
7.第二段最后一句中,California was very much the wild west是语义重心,在翻译时需要把英语前重心变为汉语后重心。it should be remembered是个插入语,可译为“应当记住一点”。可以先将其译出,然后置于译文句首。
8.第三段最后一句He emphasizes…public universities较长,整体上可采用顺译法处理,但该句后半部分and,perhaps the most important factor…  public universities则需调整语序,译为“还有一批顶尖的公立大学的创建……最重要的因素”。