Some people simply see education as going to schools or colleges, or as a me
Some people simply see education as going to schools or colleges, or as a me
Some people simply see education as going to schools or colleges, or as a means to secure good jobs; most people view education as a lifelong process. In your opinion, how important is education to modern man?
Write a composition of about 300 words on the following topic:
Education As A Lifelong Process
In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion with a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Education as a Lifelong Process
What is education in present-day society? Some people still cling to the idea that education means going to schools or colleges. In their eyes, the sole purpose of the scholastic education is to secure good jobs and guarantee a life-long well-being. However, such traditional conception of education has been rejected as outdated by more and more people, who view education as a life-long process. Personally, I side with the latter, in the belief that the new concept of education makes a great deal of sense to modern people.
In the first place, the sort of formal education, or schooling, is no longer adequate for our profession. In an era of information explosion, it is imperative that we update our knowledge constantly. We may acquire a lot of expertise in schools or colleges. We may also find ourselves well tailored for the posts we hold after graduation. However, we will soon feel out of place if we rest content with what we already have. Just take the operation of computers for example. The software is upgraded at very quick intervals. For an employee who depends heavily on computer operations, the failure to keep pace with the development of the software will put him or her on the verge of unemployment. No doubt, this is also true of any other field, g professor of linguistics must acquaint himself with the state of the art if he wishes to maintain his academic post. A lawyer needs to get informed of the newest modifications of the law if he does not choose to lose his clients. Admittedly, education can be job-oriented. But what is at the core of the issue is that for the sake of job holding and job jumping, we cannot afford to educate ourselves once and for all.
Equally important, the sort of fixed schooling cannot satisfy the growing needs of our daily life, either. For a start, we may consider the need of accessing the resources on the Internet. As far as I myself am concerned, I had no relevant lessons when I was in college. I took to playing chess after I began to work, and yet I did not always have good partners. Later I was told I might find some on the Internet, which was, however, all Greek to me at that time. So I attended some training classes and finally was able to enjoy myself in the wonderful "world". There are always new needs, to be sure, such as the need to drive a private car, the need to raise pets, the need to go abroad, and what not. For all those needs, we must take relevant courses or teach ourselves. A modern man is by definition one who can always take advantage of modern science and technology. If a person does not learn to make a code phone, purchase goods with credit cards, etc. , he will fail to be modern. He will be handicapped in one way or another, for he will lose the ability to embrace the whole of the modern world.
From the discussion above, we are now in a position to conclude that education, which is of lasting significance to our life and work, should extend throughout our lifetime. One is never too old to learn. Or one lives to learn. Mottoes of this kind are educational. To me, these proverbs have taken on a modern sense. That is, we do not simply learn life experiences all our life; we also acquire, at all stages of life, knowledge of all sorts for both vocational and recreational purposes.
第4段:总结上文,得出结论。重申现代人必须进行终身教育,因为这事关他们的工作与生活。可以说,终身教育的理念为英谚One lives to learn赋予了现代内涵。
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