
游客2023-12-11  33

问题     然而,我们知道,衣食无忧仅仅是生活的一个方面,人们对生活的要求是多侧面的,文明程度越高,人们的心理需求就越高。尤其是老年人,他们和青年人一样.也有文化的需要,娱乐的需要,尊严的需要,成就感的需要,更何况他们已经走过了生命的大部分历程。他们要在生命的最后一个阶段活得更加舒心,活得更有色彩。在维也纳的日子里,我们见到的老年人,好像都生活得有滋有味的。我常常会被他们所感染。我由衷地敬佩他们积极的生活态度,我尤其欣赏他们那开朗的精神状态。因为我们语言不通,我无法和他们更深入地交流,我只能将我所看到的情景和场面白描似地记录下来。


答案     Yet, we all know that supply of provisions and clothing is only one aspect of life; man’s demand on life is many-sided. Higher the civilization, higher is man’s psychological aspiration. This is especially true of old folks. Like young people, they have the need of cultural life, the need of recreation and amusement, the need of dignity and the need of accomplishment. Besides, having traversed greater part of their lives and unwilling to leave behind too many regrets, they want to, in their remaining years, make their lives easier and more substantial. During my stay in Vienna, I found that all the elderly people 1 met with seemed to enjoy their lives enormously. Contagiously, I couldn’t help admiring them for their positive attitude toward life, especially their optimism. Because of the language barrier I could not go deep into our conversation. So, all I could do is record what I saw then and there in sketch forms.

解析     《秋天的色彩——维也纳老人生活一瞥》是一篇游记散文,前文中作者简要提到了奥地利为老年人提供的多项福利,而此段则主要说明老年人除了衣食无忧外,也有着各种心理需求。作者以流畅的语言,优美的文笔向读者缓缓道出秋天维也纳老人们愉悦、轻松、积极的生活态度。这篇文章多为散句,所以在翻译时,要适当注意断合句子。
1.  “然而,我们知道,衣食无忧仅仅是生活的一个方面,人们对生活的要求是多侧面的……”,  “衣食无忧”:直译是not having to worry about…,但往下就接不上了,还不如从正面切入,译成supply of provisions and clothing为好。  “多侧面的”可以直译为“many—sided”。
2.  “……,文明程度越高,人们的心理需求就越高。”表达上,中文多为散句,结构松散,此句就是一个例子。但英语表达恰恰相反,所以在翻此句时,我们应适当断句所以此句和前面一句断开翻译.
3.  心理需求:泽为“psychological aspiration”。
4.  “越……越……”可翻译成“more…more…”的句型,翻译时,我们通常会译为…The higher is the civilization,the higher is man’s psychological aspiration.”,但为了抓住阅卷老师的眼球,我们可以适当省略,泽成“Higher the civilization,higher is...”。
5.  “尤其是老年人,他们和青年人一样,……他们要在生命的最后一个阶段活得更加舒心,活得更有色彩。”在翻译这两个句子时,我们要重新断合句,将句子重新组合为三句。组合后的句子为:  “尤其是老年人”为一句,  “他们和青年人一样……成就感的需要”为一句,  “更何况他们已经走过了生命的大部分历程……活得更有色彩”为一句。
6.  “他们和青年人一样……成就感的需要”,原句使用排比,那翻译时也使用“the need of”的排比句式。
7.  娱乐的需要:  “the need of recreation and amusement”。
8.  成就感的需要:成就感一般译为sense of achievement,但这里既已使用“the need of”的句式,如若泽为“the need of sense of achievement”就显累赘了,若把成就感泽为accomplishment,前后文更为一致。故成就感的需要可译为“the need of accomplishment”。
9.  走过了生命的大部分历程……:  “走过”译为“traverse”,  “traverse”有“穿过、横贯”的意思。
10.  “他们要在生命的最后一个阶段活得更加舒心,活得更有色彩。”生命的最后一个阶段,只需译为“in their remaining years”,此处译者为了强调,增译了“unwilling to leave behind too many regrets”。
11.  “活得更有色彩”:意译为“substantial”,  “substantial”有“内容充实的,实质的”意思。比“colorful”更能体现老年人生活的充实。
12.  “在维也纳的日子里”:不要译为“when I am in Vienna”,更为地道的表达是“during my stay in Vienna”。
13.  “我们见到的老年人,好像都生活得有滋有昧的。”这里“生活得有滋有昧”可以意译为“enjoy one’s lives enormously”。
14.  “我常常会被他们所感染。”:感染不能译成“be infected by”,infect表达的是传染病的感染。contagious表示“有感染力的”,如contagious laughter。全句译为:“Contagiously,I couldn’t help admiring them for their positive attitude toward life, especially their optimism.”。
15.语言不通:即为语言障碍,故译为“language barrier”。
16.  “深入地交流”:译为“go deep into the conversation”。
17.  “白描似地”:自描即素描,可以译为“in sketch forms”。
18.  “因为我们语言不通……白描似地记录下来。”此处应断为两句翻译。全句译为:“Because of the language barrier I could not go deep into our conversation.So.all I could do is record what I saw then and there in sketch forms.”。