中国声音:美国借钱要还 标准普尔公司降低美国评级对中国的负面影响,或许即将显现。中国的外汇储备资

游客2023-12-11  25

问题                             中国声音:美国借钱要还


答案                        China Urges on US to Act on Debt
    The negative impact on China is perhaps to arise soon of the US ratings downgrade by Standard & Poor’s. China’s foreign exchange assets amount to approximately a worth of USD3,200 billion, 70% of which are nothing more than capital in US dollars themselves with American treasury securities taking the lion’s share.
    In an editorial published on August 7 by Xinhua News Agency in China titled America Should Clarify Its "Responsibility" in the World Economy, China urges on US to act on its debts to China. The article says, as the biggest economy, the biggest debtor nation, and one of the major issuers of reserve currency in the world, the US "should not indulge in the depreciation of US dollars, or adopt any new monetary means to exacerbate the situation" , and "the policy makers of this state should raise their awareness of’ responsibility’ and remind themselves of the ’ simple’ duty and honor embodied in the maxim that ’ he who owes money pays the debt’" .

解析     国际评级机构美国标准普尔公司把美国主权信用评级从顶级的AAA级下调至AA+级。这是美国主权信用评级首次遭“降级”。与此同时,中国持有大量的美国国债,通过这篇翻译实践,在提高翻译技巧的同时,更加了解全球金融类时事。
1.  标准普尔公司降低美国评级对中国的负面影响,或许即将显现:在翻译第一句话时,要认真分析句子结构,找出真正的主干部分。[(标准普尔公司降低美国评级)(对中国)的负面影响,或许即将显现。经分析后得到结论,小括号内是两个定语,  “标准普尔公司降低美国评级”不是句子的主干部分,翻译成英语同样不能成为主干部分。故正确译文应为“The negative impact on China is perhaps to arise soon of the US ratings downgrade by Standard&Poor’s.”。
2.  中国的外汇储备资产:China’s foreign exchange assets。
3.  高达近(乎于)……钱:amount意为“to reach a total(合计,接近)”,故译为“amount to approximately a worth of...”。
4.  大部分是:taking the lion’s share,take the lion’s share这个词组源自古希腊寓言,讲述了狮子和其他野兽合作捕猎,狮子最后凭借武力分得整块猎物,即“最大的那一份”,但这个词组却是“隐含着一定危险的”。文章题目提到中国发出声音,提醒美国“借钱要还”,在目前的这种形势下,文章暗示中国所持有的大量美国国债也是有一定危险的,故使用了(taking)the lion’s share这个成语来翻译“占绝大部分”这层含义,意图表达其中隐含的风险。
5.  美国国债:security的复数形式表示证券,故译为American treasury securities。
6.  新华社7日的时评:an editorial published on August 7 by Xinhua News Agency,翻译时注意调整顺序。
7.  最大债务国:the biggest debtor nation,debtor(one who owes a debt债务人)。
8.  主要储备货币发行国:the major issuers of reserve currency in the world。
9.  放任:indulge in,使用这个词组的目的在于批评美国放任自流的态度。
10.  “借钱要还”:这四个字意为“欠债还钱(he who owes money pays the debt)”,这四个字套用了英语句式,he who plays with fire gets burnt,提醒美国还钱的意思更加清楚明了。
11.美国决策机制:policy-makers,若译为像policy-making mechanisms的中式英语,就显得不妥了。