Disgust Makes Us Truly Sick "He makes me sick" is not us

游客2023-12-11  9

问题                     Disgust Makes Us Truly Sick
    "He makes me sick" is not usually a statement about the flu. It’s a judgment about someone’s behavior, a sentence delivered with complete disgust about one of our fellow human beings who doesn’t know how to behave properly.
    It’s interesting that this metaphor for disapproval can also be very real.
    When we see bad behavior, we often do feel sick. The hand goes to the mouth, the disgust sets in, and we turn up our noses as if something foul just walked by. Researchers at the University of Toronto have also just discovered that people react to disgusting photographs, and moral disgust with similar facial movements.
    In other words, the moral code must be biologically based because we react the same to rotten milk, pictures of rotten feet.
    The idea that morality has a deep, evolutionary basis has been around for a while In 1996, primatologist Frans de Waal wrote in his book "Good Natured" that humans were not the only species to feel moral outrage and the need for social justice; chimpanzees, too, are moral animals with a social code that keeps the group in line. If chimps had the beginning of morality, then it must have been part of our nature for ages.
    At the time, de Waal’s evolutionary perspective on morality went against the very foundations of Western civilization. Philosophers, cultural anthropologists and historians held that moral rules were a recent addition to human societies, something that separated us from the apes. But clearly, it has deep roots. Morality is, after all, universal among us, which suggests that it is part of human nature.
    But just because we wrinkle our noses at bad behavior and just because chimpanzees are moral philosophers does not mean that the contents of the moral code itself is all hardwired. Children in some cultures are beaten regularly, while in other places, physical punishment is completely wrong. The moral code also shifts with time. Smoking is considered morally wrong in U. S. social situations these days but not so long ago was accepted in every house and every office.
    We need these mutually agreed—upon social rights and wrongs because without some structure we’d be a bunch of headless chickens running around unable to function as a group. It’s therefore a good thing evolution has given us the capacity to make some moral rules and be disgusted by those who break them.
    For once, it seems, the nature and nurture people are both right. Our capacity to have a moral code is surely part of our fundamental social nature, a necessary part of group living. But at the same time, we get to decide what is right and wrong, and that makes morality a collective thought process that works for the group, not just the individual. It also apparently allows us to judge when the milk has gone sour and that there are some things we’d just as soon not look at. [br] We can learn from the text that moral code______.

选项 A、is what separates human from animals
B、ensures the normal societal operation
C、is part of human’s basic social nature
D、has its origin in human being’s biology

答案 B

解析 本题考查观点细节。文章最后两段指出如果没有道德准准则,人类就像如同一盘散沙。可见,道德准则能够约束人类的行为并保证社会的正常运行,故[B]选项正确。[A]选项是根据第六段第二句设置的干扰项,将原文的“道德可用来区分人和猿"篡改成“道德准则用来区分人类和其他动物”,故错误。根据文中第九段第二句话指出,拥有道德准则的能力是人类社交本能的组成部分,而非道德准则本身,[C]选项错误。由文章第四段可知,道德准则有深厚的生理基础,但并非指出生理是其根源.[D]选项过度引申。