In 1893, New Zealand became the first country in the world______.A、to recognize

游客2023-12-09  10

问题 In 1893, New Zealand became the first country in the world______.

选项 A、to recognize Maori rights of self-determination
B、to give women the vote
C、to introduce procedures for handling industrial disputes
D、to adopt the 40-hour working week

答案 B

解析 1893年9月16日,新西兰通过允许妇女参加投票的选举法案,令该国成为首个具有普选权的国家。普选权是选举权的延伸,就是对一个成年人来说,无论他的性别、年龄、种族、信仰、社会状况如何,都有在选举期间参政及投票的权利。