
游客2023-12-09  28

问题     改革开放胆子要大一些,要敢于试验。冒一定的风险是必要的。不冒点风险,办什么事情都有百分之百的把握,万无一失,谁敢说这样的话?一开始就自以为是,认为百分之百正确,没那回事。我就从来没那么认为。每年领导层都要总结经验,对的就坚持,不对的就丢掉或赶快改,新问题出来抓紧解决,无论是打仗还是搞改革,都经不起慢腾腾的决策。在很多情况下,都要冒险试一试,然后一边前进一边改正自己的错误。


答案     We must be courageous enough to venture on experiments as far as reforms are concerned. A certain amount of risk-taking is necessary. Who dares to claim that he is 100 percent sure of success and there is no risk whatsoever right from the beginning of anything? There is no such a thing as absolute certainty. I have never had such a notion. Every year, leaders should review what has been achieved, stick to what works and discard what does not, or take immediate corrective steps. Whenever new problems arise, we should lose no time in tackling them. No one can afford the luxury of slow decision-making, whether in war or in reform. In many cases, we have to take the plunge, and correct our mistakes as we go along.

解析 1、本段的主体内容为用口语体谈论客观规律和道理,故采用一般现在时为总体时态。
2、第1句翻译的难点是“胆子要大一些”,在这里可以理解为“主动、积极”的意思,应采用带有褒义的词汇,不能译为bold或是audacious,这两个词都含有“冒失、鲁莽”的意思。据此可译为be courageous。
3、第3句的“百分之百的把握”和“万无一失”是一个意思,故合译;同时也与第4句的“自以为是,认为百分之百正确”意思相仿,故只译一个即可。“万无一失”可译为There isno risk whatsoever,其中以whatsoever对应汉语中的“万”。
4、第6句较长,属典型的流水句,译文根据意思层次将其一分为三,符合英文的表达方式。“总结经验”译为summarize the experience稍为书面化,而且中文的痕迹较重,针对本段口语体的特点译为review what has been achieved更妥。“新问题出来抓紧解决”用whenever,突出紧迫性。
5、“无论是打仗还是搞改革”属典型的口语体,译为whether in war or in reform.简洁明快。“经不起”为典型的口语,译为cannot afford the luxury of,既符合原文的意思,也符合文体特征。
7、“冒险试一试”可以选用take a chance或take the plunge来译。