After eight months during which he seemed to float happily beyond the reach

游客2023-12-07  31

问题     After eight months during which he seemed to float happily beyond the reach of his critics, George W. Bush found himself in danger of sinking last week. As clues and warnings about the Sept. 11 plot came to light and the need to assign blame grew stronger, fingers began pointing toward the White House.  Bush was in an unaccustomed position — on the defensive against the Democrats, who seemed more energized than they had been in a year.
   This was one campaign that Bush did not delegate to others. With the cries of "What did Bush know?" at their most hysterical, he knew better than to go out to face the cameras right away. Instead, he began behind closed doors in a Thursday lunch with Senate Republicans. Confident that his words would leak, he offered a passionate defense, saying that had he known about the plot, he would "have used the whole force and fury of the United States to stop them."


答案     八个月来,乔治?W.布什似乎一直没有遭受批评,快乐陶醉,但是上周他发现自己有翻船的危险.随着“9.11”事件的种种线索和预警现在开始公之于众,人们越来越迫切地要求知道谁该承担责任,开始有人把手指向白宫。布什正处于他所不适应的状态——防卫民主党人的攻击,而民主党人则似乎比过去的一年更为精力充沛。
