然而我虽然自有无端悲哀,却也并不愤懑。因为这经验使我反省,看见自己了:就是我决不是一个振臂一呼应者云集的英雄。 只是我自己的寂寞是不可不驱除的,因为这于

游客2023-12-07  39

问题   然而我虽然自有无端悲哀,却也并不愤懑。因为这经验使我反省,看见自己了:就是我决不是一个振臂一呼应者云集的英雄。


答案   For this experience had made me reflect and see that I was definitely not the type of hero who could rally multitudes at his call.
  However, my loneliness had to be dispelled because it was causing me agony. So I used various means to dull my senses, to make myself immersed among my fellow nationals and turn to the past.  Later I experienced or witnessed even greater loneliness and sadness which I am unwilling to recall, preferring that it should perish with my mind in the dust. Still my attempt to deaden my senses was not unsuccessful -- I lost the enthusiasm and fervor of my youth.
