Laozihao is a Chinese term for time-honored brands, or those prominent state
Laozihao is a Chinese term for time-honored brands, or those prominent state
Laozihao is a Chinese term for time-honored brands, or those prominent state-owned enterprises having a long history and unique generation-old techniques. However, some of these enterprises have become outdated or are operating in the red due to a rigid conventional thinking, loose management or overstaffmg. Do you think such enterprises should be preserved in market-oriented economy? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic:
Should Laozihao Be Preserved in Market-Oriented Economy?
In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Should Laozihao Be Preserved in Market-Oriented Economy
Laozihao is not only the commercial phenomenon, but also the history in miniature. It is popular for its unique arts and crafts. However, some of these enterprises have become outdated or are operating in the red due to a rigid conventional thinking, loose management or overstaffing. People have different opinions about whether the Laozihao should be preserved or not. As far as I’m concerned, the critical point is not only to remain but also to preserve and develop the Laozihao.
Laozihao is important to the traditional culture and the national commerce. As a time-honored brand, Laozihao enjoys the extensive reputation in the society. It is of golden opinion, and carries the trust of the customers. Moreover, it is the precise non-material cultural heritage. The city without Laozihao will lose the unique scene as a famous historic city. In the market-oriented economic society, Laozihao satisfies the emotional needs of people for the national culture.
But it cannot be denied that now Laozihaos are paying their way. Affected by the market-oriented economy, Laozihaos are taking the shine off. The out-dated concepts, old-fashioned products and backward management are all the factors for the fall of Laozihao. As for the fact, we should not only remain the Laozihao, but also have to preserve and develop them.
First, the support system of Laozihao should be built up. The advanced technology, automatic intellectual property rights and modern organization are key points in the development of Laozihao. On the basis of keeping its traditional features, it should work out new products, which are more suitable for the modern society, so as to extend the market share.
Second, Laozihao should have the priority in the policy and finance. It is the most important embodiment of a historic city. So in the urban planning, the original location should be preserved. And the government should finance them to improve their technology and equipments.
Third, it is suggested that Laozihao should be preserved as the intangible assets of the country. In this way, Laozihao will do good to the cultural landscape as well as develop its own commercial function.
In conclusion, Laozihao is the carrier of the traditional culture and arts. It’s a symbol of the national history. We should preserve it and use effective ways to develop it. It is not only the demand of the market, but also the requirement of the culture.
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