What’s the main idea of the news item? [br] [originaltext] (1)The Internati

游客2023-12-05  8

问题 What’s the main idea of the news item? [br]  
(1)The International Monetary Fund(IMF)has said that member countries will act decisively and collectively to confront the threat to the global economy. After its latest meeting in Washington, the IMF said eurozone countries would do whatever necessary to tackle the debt crisis while advanced economies generally would support their banks and undertake reforms to boost jobs and growth.
    The head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, said the global economy was only half-way through the work that needs to be done. So acute are the fears that Europe’s debt problems will threaten the health of the global economy that(2)she’s saying the fund is ready to help all member nations should they need it. Greece has already received IMF bailout. If the turmoil continues, others may also need assistance. The ministers meeting in Washington are hoping the actions they take here will mean that won’t be necessary.

选项 A、Advanced countries should help support other countries’ economy.
B、The euro zone debt problems caused great damage to the global economy.
C、The IMF fund will help any member country in need of help.
D、The actions taken by IMF meant nothing for the global economy.

答案 C

解析 本题设题点在人物观点处。根据句(2)可知,国际货币基金组织领导人克里斯蒂娜·拉加德称,鉴于欧洲债务问题会威胁到全球经济的健康发展,该组织将会为所有有需要的成员国提供帮助,故答案为[C]。