When the women I met at college thought about the joys and privileges of men, th

游客2023-12-04  34

问题 When the women I met at college thought about the joys and privileges of men, they did not carry in their minds the sort of men I had known in my childhood. They thought of their fathers, who were bankers, physicians, architects, stockbrokers, the big wheels of the big cities. These fathers rode the train to work or drove cars that cost more than any of my childhood houses. They were attended from morning to night by female helpers, wives and nurses and secretaries. They were never laid off, never short of cash at month’s end, never lined up for welfare. These fathers made decisions that mattered. They ran the world.
The daughters of such men wanted to share in this power, this glory.  So did I. They yearned for a say over their future, for jobs worthy of their abilities, for the right to live at peace, unmolested, whole. Yes, I thought, yes, yes. The difference between me and these daughters was that they saw me, because of my sex, as destined from birth to become like their fathers, and therefore as an enemy to their desires. But I knew better.  I wasn’t an enemy, in fact or in feeling.  I was an ally.  If I had known, then, how to tell them so, would they have believed me? Would they now?


答案     我在大学里遇见的女人考虑男人的乐趣和特权时,心里想到的并不是我童年时代认识的那类男人。她们想到的是她们的父亲,那些银行家、医生、建筑师、股票经纪人,那些大城市里的大亨。那些人乘坐火车去上班,或者开着比我小时候住过的任何房子都值钱的小汽车。从早到晚,都有妻子、护士、秘书这样的女帮手服侍他们。他们从不会被人解雇,从不会在月底缺钱花,从不用排队领救济金。这些人做出重大决策,管理着这个世界。

解析 1.第一段第二句中的the big wheels of the big cities指的是“大城市里的大亨”,wheels在此处指“握有大权或具有广泛影响力的人”。
2.第一段第四句中的wives and nurses and secretaries用来解释前面提到的female helpers的具体内容,翻译时将其译作female helpers的定语即可。
6.第二段第五句中的an enemy to their desires在翻译时应灵活处理,可采用“增词法”,整个短语译为“妨碍她们实现自己愿望的敌人”。