As China’s stock market began to rebound, a great number of college students rus
As China’s stock market began to rebound, a great number of college students rus
As China’s stock market began to rebound, a great number of college students rushed into investment. The college students’ enthusiasm for stock market has drawn public attention. The following are opinions from two sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write you response in about 300 words, in which you should:
1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides:
2. give your comment.
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Young people should not waste their time in the stock market. Their largest capital is their youth. Once they invest their limited savings in the stock market, they can be shattered by fluctuating stock prices and waste their precious youth dealing with shares. The most valuable fortune they lose in the stock market is not money, but the opportunity for self-improvement, which is the most reliable and long-term source of income.(The Beijing News, July 2)
With the stock market going into a nosedive, many people say youths should stay away from it because of the high risk involved. And many media reports say youths rushed into the stock market neglecting their studies or borrowing money, and ended up in huge debts. Youths are more likely to be affected by external factors and can easily make a wrong choice.(ifeng. com, July 8)
Xin Jinhong, 22, a sophomore majoring in finance at Tianshi College in Tianjin, entered the stock market midway through last year and invested 12,000 yuan. "I did not make a big fortune in the stock market—only several yuan. But the process was pretty dramatic. I once gained 2,000 yuan in a day but later lost most of it. Buying stock is like adult life. I’ve experienced ups and downs. " Xin said. He described his stock market experience as "practicing post-graduation life early" and said he would continue doing it "as a hobby, not a career".
Chen Panpan, 23, a junior at Shandong Agricultural University, practiced for about eight months before entering the real stock market in March. " I wanted to have some personal experiences before actually making an investment," he said. Although widespread reports said people bragged about making a big fortune in certain stocks, he felt he needed to learn first.
"I was pretty occupied at the beginning," Chen said. "The market opens at 9:30 am, and I started to stare at the screen at 9, paying attention to every detail of the fluctuation. Then I sold out the stock in two to three days and changed to another one. " "My emotions swung with the share fluctuations," he added. "In March, I bought in a share of a company that plunged on the following day and it cost me 2,000 yuan. I was very upset. But on the third day, it bottomed out. I was very moody then. " He said he is much more able to control his emotions now. "Maybe I am getting used to the ups and downs now. The stock market is not in my control. It will not rise because I care or I am devoted, worried and upset," he said. Now, Chen sells and buys every two to three months and looks at the market index for about 20 minutes a day. He also pays attention to financial policies.
College Students Dabbling in Stock Market
As China’s stock market began to bounce back, numerous college students opened stock market accounts and were surely among the new investors. The college students’ enthusiasm for stock market has drawn public attention. Should they go out of the ivory tower and enter the stock market? People hold different opinions about it.
Some claim that it is not advisable for college students to deal in stocks. Above everything else, stock dealing is time-consuming. It may lead students to neglect their studies and skip classes. Besides, some college students are psychologically immature when faced with a heavy loss in the stock dealing. They are more likely to be affected by external factors and can easily make a wrong choice. On the contrary, the others hold the opposite opinion that taking stock can bring positive effects on students. For the students majoring in finance, playing in stock market is pretty dramatic and is a valuable personal experience of putting theories into practice.
According to the statements, college students’ investing in stocks has both negative and positive effects, while as far as I am concerned, I will not hesitate to support the latter. To begin with, for college students, it is a chance to learn some financial and economic knowledge and cultivate a good habit of money management. In addition, confidence can be built and strengthened when a student turns into a successful stockholder. Even if they fail to get a profit unfortunately, they can also strengthen their perseverance, just as the saying goes: Failure is the mother of success. Last but not least, working experience is another benefit students can reap from taking stocks. It lays a solid foundation for working in banks, insurance companies, fund management companies and the like.
In brief, investing in stock is a double-edged sword. Therefore, students themselves should make decisions based on their individual situations and try to strike a balance between time and energy in order to ensure their normal study and life.
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