
游客2023-12-01  26

问题     一切似乎都发生在昨天,发生在时钟跳动的上一秒。记忆在不停地涌现。在门口的土堆中度过整个上午,吃饭时,总是一双脏兮兮的小手。在大街上因一点小情绪而大哭流涕,全然看不到他人投来的异样目光。急于在别人面前显摆新学的文字时,却发现怎么也记不起的小小尴尬,尽管,那时,憋得小脸通红的自己不懂什么叫做尴尬。上学时,总是在听老师在给高年级的同学演讲,向自己讲述时却脑中一片空白。


答案 It seems that everything took place only the day before, or even in the last ticking of the clock. A surge of memory is constantly coming to my mind. I always had meal with a pair of dirty hands after playing with sand and stones around the mound in front of the house for a whole morning. I wailed aloud in the open street just due to slightly low spirits, blind to others’ disapproving glance. The eagerness to show off the new-learned characters to others turned out to be slight embarrassment as I drew a blank at the very moment. Though my face flushed crimson, I had no idea of what is embarrassment at that time. At school, I often sneaked into the lectures to the higher grades while in my own class I was usually absent-minded.

解析 1.本文主要讲述了作者对童年的回忆,本段共六句话,语言优美,描述细致,有画面感,翻译时注意适当地调整句子的语序,保持原文的语言风格。
2.第一句总起,感叹时光易逝。这句话由两个分句组成,后半句是在前一句的基础上进一步感叹时间流逝之快,可考虑增加程度副词even,明确分句间的逻辑关系。“昨天”实际上指的是刚刚逝去的一天,不妨译为the day before。“时钟跳动的上一秒”可以尝试译作the last ticking of the clock。
3.第二句是一个短句。“涌现”一词体现了回忆如决堤的河水绵绵不断地涌上心头的状态,可将回忆译成Asurge of memory,全句可译为A surge of memory is constantly coming to my mind。
4.第三句开始描写回忆的内容,后文四个例子都是从作者的角度描述,原文省略了主语,翻译时应补全主语I。“在门口的土堆中度过整个上午”指作者在玩泥巴,适当补入play with sand and stone有助于读者理解“土堆”的意思。
5.第四句中“因一点小情绪而大哭流涕”可将原因后置,“小情绪”是指轻微的低落情绪,不妨译成slightly lowspirits。后面半句是讲作者大哭时的状态,可用形容词短语作伴随状语。“他人投来的异样眼光”是指路人不赞许的目光,建议译成disapproving glance。
6.第五句较长,这里有个逻辑关系的转换,“急于显摆”和“却发现”说明情况出乎作者的意料,可用turn outto do sth.结构译出原文的语气。后半部分“尽管,那时……什么叫做尴尬”描述作者当时的反应,也可另译成一句。