[originaltext]W: Good evening. My name is Jenny Fowler and I would like to welc

游客2023-11-29  8

W: Good evening. My name is Jenny Fowler and I would like to welcome all our listeners to Net News, your weekly program dealing with all matters online. Tonight we are fortunate to be joined by David Akris, head of the Internet security company WebLock. David, welcome to Net News.
M: Good evening Jenny.
W: Right, what I would really like to know first from you David is this: how on earth can I reduce the amount of spam mail I find every morning in my inbox? I think things are getting absolutely ridiculous. I mean, this morning there must have been about 30 to 40 e-mails covering everything from having won the lottery to purchasing things I would rather not mention on this show. What can a normal e-mail user such as myself do to combat this ever-growing problem?
M: Now there are a couple of strategies that we can employ to reduce this admittedly annoying problem. First of all, you have to be really guarded about where you leave your e-mail address. Of course, you give it to all your friends and you give it to contacts you have through your workplace, although I would also add as a strong recommendation that you have separate personal and work e-mail accounts. But what you must not do is to navigate around the Internet leaving your e-mail address for everyone to find. Because, believe me, there is no shortage of unscrupulous individuals out there who will harvest your e-mail address among the thousands of others either for their own personal gain or to sell to third parties.
W: Wow, I didn’t realize it was so simple.
M: It’s actually worse than that. There are little software programs called "spiders" that trawl around the Internet on their own looking for e-mail addresses, so your e-mail address, left innocently on that cookery message board, doesn’t even need to be seen by human eyes to be gathered. If any of your listeners are using what we call throwaway e-mail addresses, you know, provided by companies such as Yahoo or Hotmail, then I would recommend creating a new e-mail account and starting over.
W: That sounds like worthwhile advice, David.
1. According to the interview, what is Jenny Fowler’s problem?
2. To reduce spam mails, what is David Akris’ suggestion?
3. Why is David Akris against leaving e-mail address for everyone to find?
4. What are software programs "spiders" used to?
5. What do we learn about throwaway e-mail addresses?

选项 A、Be aware of whom you give your e-mail address.
B、Ask your friends and contacts to delete your emails.
C、Use different address for work email and home email.
D、Leave your e-mail address to someone you can trust.

答案 C

解析 主持人对垃圾邮件很厌烦,并询问男士有没有办法对付垃圾邮件。男士说到了几个方面:留地址时要小心、工作和生活要用不同的电邮地址、不要在任何人都能看得的网站上留下电邮。可见,C项正确。男士并没有提及邮箱不能给什么人,所以A项不正确。