
游客2023-11-25  14

问题 围棋是中国一种重要的体育竞技形式,初现于四千多年前,并在一千多年前就先后传到朝鲜半岛和日本,为东北亚人们普遍喜爱。每年中、日、韩之间有多种围棋比赛,围棋成为文化交流的工具。


答案     Go is an important board game with origins in China from more than 4, 000 years ago. It was introduced to the Korean peninsula and Japan over 1, 000 years ago, and has become a favorite pastime of many people there. Today, go still serves as a means of cultural exchange between the peoples of China, Japan and Korea, as they engage in numerous tournaments every year.
    The highest goal of go is to seek harmony. The players unite with each other on the board. Instead of fighting as enemies, they cooperate to play a good game. Thus, go players should always keep their minds free from intention of confrontation. The real test for a good go player is to transcend the idea of wining or loosing. Su Dongpo (1037-1101), a poet talent of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), was also a great go player. He had his thought to share with fellow players: "It is a pleasure to win. It is a pleasure to lose, too."

解析 背景介绍
-  围棋是中国一种重要的体育竞技形式:由于中英表达习惯不同,在中文表达时有许多赘词,并不包含实际意义。如本句,范畴词“形式”可以省译。参考译文:Go is an important board game.
-  并在一千多年前就先后传到朝鲜半岛和日本,为东北亚人们普遍喜爱:“为东北亚人们普遍喜爱”即“成了东北亚人们喜爱的娱乐消遣活动”。可以译为“It was introduced to the Korean peninsula and Japan over 1, 000 years ago,and has become a favorite pastime of many people there.”
-  每年中、日、韩之间有多种围棋比赛,围棋成为文化交流的工具:此句中隐含着一层因果关系,正因为有许多围棋比赛,才使得围棋成为交流工具,翻译时应该将逻辑关系显化。参考译文:Today, go still serves as a means of cultural exchange between the peoples of China,Japan and Korea,as they engage in numerous tournaments every year.
-  下棋的人,要有一颗平常心:  “平常心”指的是不在乎输赢,享受比赛。这句可译为“The real test for a good go player is to transcend the idea of wining or loosing.”
-  他谈下围棋的感受时说:  “胜固欣然,败亦可喜。”:这里出现了苏轼的一句诗,看似翻译起来很有困难。其实翻译这句诗时,只要将中心意思准确译出即可。He had his thought to share with fellow players:“It is a pleasure to win.It is a pleasure to lose,too.”