Given the amount of time people spend at work nowadays, it makes sense t
Given the amount of time people spend at work nowadays, it makes sense t
Given the amount of time people spend at work nowadays, it makes sense that people are seeking out a potential mate at work. In fact, 59 percent of people now admit to having had an office romance at some point. The following are opinions from both employers and employees.
Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:
1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides;
2. give your comment.
Rieva Lesonsky, CEO of GrowBiz Media
Well, considering I met my ex-husband at work, I would be a hypocrite to say office romances are a no-no. But if you have employees dating, you need to make sure supervisors aren’t dating people they supervise. Other employees will likely feel slighted and assume preferential treatment is going on. While I think it is smarter and wiser for a business owner to avoid office romance, it is hard to have such strict rules, especially when we spend so many hours at the office. So if you must, you better be super careful. There are so many lawsuits waiting to happen in this scenario.
Rob Dyrdek, President of Dyrdek Enterprises
I feel like office romances are a recipe for disaster. Even if you have two completely consensual, responsible adults, feelings and emotions are at some point going to rear their ugly heads. Now, I’ve seen cases where romances have become marriages and it was a great thing that went onto last forever. But I would say that’s one in a million. So, especially for your own sanity, if you’re caught in a potential office romance, I would do everything I can to avoid it. Because if it doesn’t work out the way you expected, then now you’ve got to see this person nonstop, you’ve got to go to events with your new significant other and see this person.
Roberta Matuson, project manger of TerraCycle
You may think this is a private affair, but is it really? Logic tells you your romantic involvement will impact your coworkers directly. If you sit together in the company cafeteria, will people now feel they should give you privacy? Will they exclude you from certain conversations, because they don’t know what you’ll relay to your new love? Consciously or subconsciously, your relationship may influence decisions that go well beyond a lunchroom. Your romance may color everyone’s judgment with regard to promotions, projects, team building and responsibilities. The relationship could make it more difficult for your department—and depending on your position, your company—to operate effectively.
Dorothy Moran, HR assistance of GoodSearch.com
There are groups like law enforcement and the investigative agencies that have had great success actually encouraging relationships because the demands and pressures being put on them are often unique to their professions. Being in a relationship where someone knows those demands and how that can likely impact time and availability is vital for any kind of relationship growth. People inherently understand and are attracted to others who "understand" that part of their life. Another draw of getting involved with a co-worker is the excitement coupled with the "safety" of dating somebody you’ve already gotten to know. There are a lot of "creeps" out there in the world; dating and falling for someone you work with is a lot easier/safer than trying to meet someone in clubs, bars, etc.
No Encouragement to Office Romances
Office romances have always been a controversial topic since the day they were born. It used to be a taboo but it is thrilling. The supporters believe it is safe and easy for the workers to find a lover and build up relationship inside the working place. However, the opponents argue that the couples’ constant contact would damage their relationship with other co-workers and impact their judgments with regard to promotion, team building and responsibilities. Moreover, few office romances can actually lead to marriage. In my opinion, office romances should not be encouraged though they have certain benefits. The following are reasons from two aspects.
As for the companies, no employer will expect the staff in the office to take the advantage of their positions for private gain, but it happens when there are staff lovers. For instance, the lovers may pretend working for the company while they are in fact abusing the public funds for personal use especially when one of the lovers is in superior position. Still the office romance can cause jealousy and gossip among other staffs. On the whole, it will reduce the working efficiency and morale of the whole department.
As for the individuals, office romances are often quite challenging. The lovers must try to restrain themselves so as not to expose their secret office romance. Furthermore, it is rather boring and disturbing to see the same lover at work and after work. What’s worse, as few office romances can pay off—with a walk down the aisle, the careers of the workers in love will be damaged once the relationship fails.
In conclusion, the disadvantages of dating a coworker overweight the advantages under most circumstances. Having been taught that marriage is the main affair of one’s life, we have to be very cautious to make the decision. Otherwise, we may ruin our life as well as our career if finding a wrong partner.
两位雇主对办公室恋情都持反对态度。第一位雇主指出,若恋人之间存在上下级关系,其他职员则会怀疑存在偏私(preferential treatment )。第二位雇主则指出,极少数(one in a million)的办公室恋情能修成正果,一旦恋情结束后还常在办公室碰面会十分尴尬。
两位职员的意见各有不同。第一位职员反对办公室恋情,指出办公室恋情看似私事(private affair),但实际上会直接影响到周围的同事(impact your coworkers directly),也会影响到工作的各个方面。第二位职员则持支持意见,指出在专业性强的行业里办公室恋情是值得鼓励的,因为他们的器求和压力只有内行人才理解(inherently understand)。而且办公室恋情更有安全感(safety),也更容易找到伴侣。
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