
游客2023-11-25  8

问题     聪明人要理解生活,愚蠢人要习惯生活。聪明人以为目前并不完全好,一切应比目前更好,且竭力追求那个理想。愚蠢人对习惯完全满意,安于现状,保证习惯。两种人即同样有个“怎么来耗费这几十个年头”的打算,要从人与人之间寻找生存的意义和价值,即或择业相同,成就却不相同。同样想征服颜色线条作画家,同样想征服乐器声音作音乐家,同样想征服木石铜牙及其他材料作雕刻家,甚至于同样想征服人身行为作帝王,同样想征服人心信仰作思想家或教主,一切结果都不会相同。因此世界上有大诗人,同样也就有蹩脚诗人,有伟大革命家,同时也有虚伪革命家。


答案 Both the brainy and the dumb have to figure out how best they can spend the years they enjoy, and search for meaning and value in their existence. Even for those who take the same career path, their achievement gap could be large. The outcomes could vary dramatically, for those painters bent on conquering color and lines, musicians exploring the outer limits of instrumental or vocal music, sculptors craving to shine in the world of sculpture in wood, stone, bronze, or any other materials imaginable, kings obsessed with controlling the behavior of their subjects, and thinkers or spiritual leaders yearning for shaping people’s thoughts and beliefs. That’s why the world has seen great poets and lousy ones, and great revolutionaries and sham ones.

解析 1.本文选自沈从文的散文《时间》,用词朴素,笔触细腻。画线部分共有三句话,有几个排比句,基本没有生僻词和专业词汇。此文平实朴素,译文应保持这种风格。
2.第一句中“两种人”根据上文可知指的是聪明人和愚蠢人,所以此处可用the brainy and the dumb指代这两种人。“怎么来耗费这几十个年头”实指怎样度过他们享有的这几十年,可译为how best they canspend the years they enjoy。“即或……”有让步转折之意,可译为even引导的让步状语从句。“择业”有多种译法,根据上下文,译文选用take career path来表达。“成就却不同”一般可译为their achievementcould be different,稍显平淡,可尝试译为their achievement gap could be large,强调聪明人和愚蠢人的巨大差距。
3.第二句中有五个“同样想征服……”的排比句,都是决心想做某事的意思,如果都译为want to conquer…,译文太多重复,不符合英文表达多样化的特点,译文选用不同的表达方式,分别译成bent on conquering、exploring the outer limits、craving to、obsessed with和yearning for,使译文内容富于变化。
4.第三句中“因此世界上有……”不一定非要译为therefore,there are...in the world,英文当中可用theworld之类的客观事物作主语,表达更为地道,That’s why the world has seen….“大诗人”和“蹩脚诗人”可译为great poets和lousy ones;“伟大革命家”和“虚伪革命家”则可译为great revolutionaries andsham ones。