
游客2023-11-25  7

问题     吃苦耐劳是我们这个民族的标识。古圣先贤总是教训我们要都能过得简朴的生活,所谓“一箪食,一瓢饮”,就是形容生活状态之极端的刻苦,所谓“嚼得菜根”,就是表示一个有志的人之能耐的清寒。恶衣恶食,不足为耻,丰衣足食,不足为荣,这在个人之修养上是应有的认识。罗马帝国盛时的一位皇帝,Marcus Aurelius,他从小就摒绝一切享受,从来不参观那当时风靡全国的赛车比武之类的娱乐,终于成为一位严肃的苦修派的哲学家,而且建立了不朽的事业。这是很值得令人钦佩的。


答案 Being able to work diligently and endure hardships is the hallmark of our nation. Ancient sages always advocate a thrift lifestyle. The expression of "a basket of rice and a ladle of water" is used to describe the extreme difficulty in life, and a person of noble aspirations still holds on to his poverty even if he has to chew vegetables’ roots to feed himself. An individual should not be ashamed of bad food and clothing, and in the same way good food and clothing are nothing to be proud of. This is the necessary awareness based on self-cultivation. Marcus Aurelius, a ruler of the Rome Empire in its heyday, refused any kind of enjoyment ever since he was a child, including watching the most popular games at the time such as chariot racing and gladiator fighting. He ended up as a stoics philosopher and achieved immortal exploits in his career.

解析 1.画线部分第一句中,“吃苦耐劳”可译为Being able to work diligently and endure hardships,“民族的标识”可译为the hallmark of our nation。
2.画线部分第二句可分译成两句:先讲古圣先贤倡导的生活方式,再分别讲“一箪食,一瓢饮”和“嚼得菜根”的具体含义。具体翻译时,“古圣先贤”可译为Ancient sages,“简朴的生活”可译为a thrift lifestyle,“箪”指古代盛饭的圆竹器,“瓢”指一种舀水器,“一箪食,一瓢饮”可译为“a basket of rice and a ladle of water”,“有志的人”可译为a person of noble aspirations,“耐得清寒"可译为holds on to his poverty,“嚼得菜根”可译为“chew vegetables’roots”。
3.画线部分第三句可分译为两句,先译“恶衣恶食,不足为耻,丰衣足食,不足为荣”,再译“这在个人之修养上是应有的认识”,“不足为耻”可译为should not be ashamed of,“不足为荣”可译为nothing to be proud of,“应有的认识”可译为the necessary awareness,“个人修养”可译为self-cultivation。
4.画线部分第四句可分译成两句,先译罗马皇帝:Marcus Aurelius在日常生活中的表现,再译他最终成为了怎样的人,做出了怎样的贡献。“盛时”译为in its heyday,“赛车”译为chariot racing,“比武”译为gladiator fighting,“终于成为……”可译为ended up as…,“苦修派的哲学家”可译为a stoics philosopher。