
游客2023-11-25  14

问题     事业愈大则困难亦愈甚,抵抗困难的时期也随之俱长,有的尽我们的一生尚不能目见其成者,我们若能尽其中一段的工夫,替后人开辟一段道路,或长或短,即是贡献。有所成功以备后人参考,固是贡献;即因尝试而失败,使后人有所借镜,亦是贡献。所以能向前努力者,无论成败,都有贡献。最无丝毫贡献者是不干,怕失败而不干,或半途遇着困难即不愿干。


答案     The grander a career is, the more difficult it is, and the more time  it  may   take  us  to  fight  against  the  hardships. Sometimes the success is even beyond reach during our lifetime. If we  can   make   an   effort  to  break  a  path  for  the  future generations, no matter it is long or short, it should be considered as an achievement. While the successes serve as a reference for our descendants, lessons can also be drawn from the failures, and that is why they both are contributions.   Whatever the results, anyone who tries makes a contribution. A person who makes the least contribution is the one who refuses to try, either for fear of failures or difficulties in the process.

解析 1.第一句较长,可分译为三句。先译“事业愈大则困难亦愈甚,抵抗困难的时期也随之俱长”,再译“有的尽我们的一生尚不能目见其成者”,最后译“我们若能尽其中一段的工夫,替后人开辟一段道路,或长或短,即是贡献”。具体翻译时,“愈……愈……”可译为the more…the more…,“抵抗困难”可译为fight against the hardships,“不能目见其成”可译为the success is even beyond reach,“开辟一条道路”可译为break a path。
2.第二句和第三句可合译,“以备后人参考”可译为serve as a reference for our descendants,“有所借镜”可翻译为lessons can also be drawn from…;“都有贡献”可理解为“做出贡献”,翻译成makes a contribution。
3.最后一句中“最无丝毫贡献者”可译为A person who makes the least contribution。