Passage Three (1) For women in business and beyond, it was an I-told-yo

游客2023-11-24  38

问题     Passage Three
    (1)  For women in business and beyond, it was an I-told-you-so day.
    (2)  The twin spectacles Tuesday—an Uber board member’s wisecrack (俏皮话) about women talking too much, and Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., being interrupted for the second time in a week by her male colleagues—triggered an outpouring of recognition and what has become almost ritual social-media outrage.
    (3)  Academic studies and countless anecdotes make it clear that being interrupted, talked over, shut down or penalized for speaking out is nearly a universal experience for women when they are outnumbered by men.
    (4)  A few statistics show that the questions directed at Uber about how women fare in the workplace extend beyond one company, and indeed beyond Silicon Valley. Women make up 6. 4 percent of Fortune 500 chief executive officers and 19. 4 percent of Congress this year. About a fifth of board members in Fortune 500 companies in 2016 were women, according to research conducted by Deloitte and the Alliance for Board Diversity.
    (5)  After Arianna Huffmgton, an Uber director, spoke of how important it was to increase the number of women on the board, David Bonderman said that would mean more talking. He soon resigned from the board. Even in companies without notorious bro-cultures, however, women have had to struggle to feel heard and, as the numbers make clear, to advance to the top.
    (6)   "I think every woman who has any degree of power and those who don’t know how it feels to experience what Kamala Harris experienced yesterday," said Laura R. Walker, the chief executive of New York Public Radio.   "To be in a situation where you’re trying to do your job and you’re either cut off or ignored. "
    (7)  Harris, a former prosecutor, assertively questioned Attorney General Jeff Sessions during his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., interrupted and chided (责备) her to let Sessions answer her questions. Soon after that, Sen. Richard Burr, R-N. C, the committee chairman, cut her off, saying her time had elapsed.
    (8)  Women in a wide range of industries, at all levels, offered hundreds of such examples in response to an invitation from The New York Times for people to share their personal experiences on Facebook. "I can’t even count the number of times I’ve witnessed a woman being interrupted and talked over by a man, only to hear him later repeat the same ideas she was trying to put forward," wrote one respondent, Grace Ellis. "I’d say I see this happen...two to three times a week? At least?"
    (9)  Joyce Lionarons wrote, "My female boss told me she needed to allow each man to interrupt her four times before protesting in a meeting.  If she protested more often, there were problems. "
    (10)  Erica Brown wrote that she has worked for three months as a distiller. Virtually every time she goes to pick up supplies, she said, the staff asked her husband what she needed.
    (11)   A ream of studies affirm such anecdotes. Researchers consistently find that women are interrupted more and that men dominate conversations and decision-making, in corporate offices, town meetings, school boards and the U. S.  Senate.
    (12)    Victoria L. Brescoll, associate professor of organizational behavior at the Yale School of Management, published a paper in 2012 showing that men with power talked more in the Senate, which was not the case for women. Another study, " Can an Angry Woman Get Ahead?" concluded that men who became angry were rewarded, but that angry women were seen as incompetent and unworthy of power in the workplace.
    (13)   Indeed, Jason Miller, a former adviser to President Donald Trump’s campaign and a CNN commentator, described Harris as "hysterical" and shouting during her questioning of Sessions. At times, Harris cut Sessions off, but she spoke in an even tone.
    (14)  That experience, too, resonated with many women responding to the Facebook callout.
    (15)  "And if you complain, you are excluded," said Paula Minnikin. "As the only woman on a particular corporate board, I asked the chair in private if we could consider finding another one or two women as we were seeking to replace three board members. He said there was no doubt I was one of our strongest members but that there ARE no good women. I was the exception. He then went on to share that this is because I’m tall and strong, like a man, and don’t confuse things like a regular woman.  I was flabbergasted. "
    (16)   Tali Mendelberg, professor of politics at Princeton University, is co-author of "The Silent Sex; Gender, Deliberations and Institutions," compiling studies examining what happens when more women join decision-making groups. She and Christopher F. Karpowitz, associate professor of political science at Brigham Young University, found that, at school board meetings, men and women did not speak as long until women made up 80 percent of the school board. When men were in the minority, however, they did not speak up less.
    (17)   "The fact that women are outnumbered in every room puts them in a position where they’re often coming up against gender-based stereotypes," said Deborah Gillis, president and chief executive officer of Catalyst, which works for women’s advancement in business. "Women are too hard, too soft, but never just right.  What that means is that women are seen as either competent or liked but not both. "
    (18)  Some women are working to subvert these gender imbalances in their own organizations.
    (19)  Walker, of New York Public Radio, said she pressed for more women at its senior level and on its board. " I think this not only empowers women throughout our organization, it also makes for better discussions," she said. She is also pushing to increase the number of women who host podcasts (播客).
    (20) Jacqueline Hinman, chairman and CEO of CH2M Hill Cos., a Colorado-based engineering company that manages projects including light rail in Toronto and Olympic facilities in London, works in a field where women have typically been scarce.  Now, however, women make up 30 to 40 percent of her board and are well  represented in senior positions. [br] Which of the following replies to the post about sharing women’s experiences on Facebook is TRUE?

选项 A、Grace Ellis saw men interrupt women to express their different thoughts.
B、Joyce Lionarons would be cut off many times at the meeting.
C、Erica Brown was always neglected by the suppliers.
D、Paula Minnikin was marginalized due to her complaints.

答案 C

解析 推断题。根据题干提示定位至第八段、第九段以及第十五段。第十段中埃里卡.布朗讲述了自己的经历,她已经做了三个月的酿酒商,但几乎每次她去取存货时,对于她需要的东西,员工都会问她的丈夫而不是她,由此可知,她经常被供货商忽视,故[C]为答案。第八段中提到格蕾丝.埃利斯表示自己甚至数不清有多少次见到过一位女性被男性打断发言并被高声压过,结果只听到这位男性后来重复她刚才试图提出的想法,由此可知,格蕾丝.埃利斯看到男性打断女性发言是为了重复同样的想法,而不是不同的想法,[A]与原文表述不符,故排除;第九段中乔伊斯.利奥纳伦斯回复的是她的女老板的开会经历,而不是她自己的经历,故排除[B];第十五段第一句中保拉.米尼金表示如果女性抱怨的话,就会被排除在外,但原文并未提及她是否因为抱怨而受到排挤,故排除[D]。