Socrates, the Greek philosopher of Athens, was the son of Sophroniscus, a
Socrates, the Greek philosopher of Athens, was the son of Sophroniscus, a
Socrates, the Greek philosopher of Athens, was the son of Sophroniscus, a sculptor. It is said that in early life he practiced his father’s art. In middle life he married Xanthippe, who is legendary as a shrew, although the stories have little basis In ascertainable fact. It is not certain who were Socrates’s teachers in philosophy, but he seems to have been acquainted with the doctrines of Parmenides, Heraclitus, Anaxagores, and the atomists. He was widely known for his intellectual powers even before he was 40, when, according to Plato’s report of Socrates’s speech in the "Apology", the oracle at Delphi pronounced him the wisest man in Greece. In that speech Socrates maintained that he was puzzled by this acclaim until he discovered that, while others professed knowledge without realizing their ignorance, he at least was aware of his own ignorance.
Socrates became convinced that his calling was to search for wisdom about right conduct by which he might guide the intellectual and moral improvement of the Athenians. Neglecting his own affairs, he spent his time discussing virtue, justice, and piety wherever his fellow citizens congregated. Some felt that he also neglected public duty, for he never sought public office, although he was famous for his courage in the military campaigns in which he served. In his self-appointed task as gadfly to the Athenians, Socrates made numerous enemies.
Aristophanes burlesqued Socrates in his play "The Clouds" and attributed to him some of the faults of the Sophists (professional teachers of rhetoric). Although Socrates in fact baited the Sophists, his other critics seem to have held a view similar to that of Aristophanes. In 399 he was brought to trial for corrupting youth and for religious heresies. Obscure political issues surrounded the trial, but it seems that Socrates was trialed also for being the friend and teacher of Alcibiades and Critias, both of whom had betrayed Athens. The trial and death of Socrates, who was given poison hemlock to drink, are described with great dramatic power in the "Apology", the "Crito", and the "Phaedo" of Plato.
Socrates’s contributions to philosophy were a new method of approaching knowledge, a conception of the soul as the seat both of normal waking consciousness and of moral character, and a sense of the universe as purposively mind-ordered. His method, called dialectic, consisted in examining statements by pursuing their implications, on the assumption that if a statement were true it could not lead to false consequences. The method may have been suggested by Zeno of Flea, but Socrates refined it and applied it to ethical problems.
His doctrine of the soul led him to the belief that all virtues converge into one, which is the good, or knowledge of one’s true self and purposes through the course of a lifetime. Knowledge in turn depends on the nature or essence of things as they really are, for the underlying forms of things are more real than their experienced exemplifications. This conception leads to a teleological view of the world that all the forms participate in and lead to the highest form, the form of the good. Plato later elaborated this doctrine as central to his own philosophy. Socrates’s view is often described as holding virtue and knowledge to be identical, so that no man knowingly does wrong. Since virtue is identical with knowledge, it can be taught, but not as a professional specialty as the Sophists had pretended to teach it. However, Socrates himself gave no final answer to how virtue can be learned. [br] Which of the following is TRUE about Socrates’s life?
A、The legend of Socrates’s wife is well-grounded.
B、Socrates is a disciple of Parmenides.
C、Socrates was not famous until he was 40.
D、Socrates didn’t realize he was the wisest man in Greece at first.
细节理解题。对应文中第一段,此题易错选B项,可文中只是说“人们不知苏格拉底的老师为何人,但他似乎了解Parmenides 等的思想”,断言他是Parmenides 的门徒不符合文意。根据... he was puzzled by this acclaim until he discovered that,while others professed knowledge without realizing their ignorance,he at least was aware of his own ignorance.可知开始他被人们赋予他“希腊最聪明的人”之评价很困惑,但他后来发现,别的“聪明人”总是自负的认识不到他们自己的无知之处,而他却很了解自己的不足,从这点上看他确实比别人更有智慧。因此D正确。
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