Every time we open our mouths and speak we【C1】______ourselves — I am English

游客2023-11-10  2

问题     Every time we open our mouths and speak we【C1】______ourselves — I am English, you may be Bulgarian or African. We are all【C2】______, but sometimes we have communication problems which can lead to【C3】______and misunderstanding.
    【C4】______you speak English, you have an advantage. The English language means power and freedom to many people. It【C5】______international relations. It【C6】______nearly all our lives in【C7】______way or another, influencing everything from pop music to【C8】______relations. Yet only around 10% of the world’s population is native English language speakers. Many of you who are reading now will have【C9】______to learn the grammar, vocabulary and【C10】______of this very complicated language. But there【C11】______be another solution: learning Esperanto.
    Esperanto, meaning "one who hopes", is an artificial language,【C12】______to be the easiest in the world to learn. It was【C13】______in 1887 by Ludwig Zamnehof, a young Polish optician.
    The usefulness of Esperanto has been【C14】______the world over. It is now estimated that around eight million people in over 100 countries have at least some【C15】______of it.
    In Esperanto, we have a language that is easy to learn and【C16】______to all speakers because it belongs not to one nation【C17】______us all. Many people, who have tried to learn other languages and failed, have succeeded in Esperanto because it is so easy. Although it is often seen as a joke and【C18】______an important【C19】______language, it has been considered【C20】______and governments are sometimes afraid of it, for it may replace the native language of any country. [br] 【C1】

选项 A、show

答案 C

解析 词义解析题show和display强调“展示,显示(个人的能力或才华)”;identify“证明某人(某事物);鉴别出(某人或某物)”;label“描述某人(某事物),将某人(某事物)归为某一类”。此处意为“我们一开口就知道彼此是哪里人”,可见强调的是根据语言将人们划分为某个或某类群体,而不是具体确认你的身份(如个人职业、社会地位等),故选label。