______, he would not have recovered so quickly. (1995年考试真题)A、Hadn’t he been take

游客2023-11-08  10

问题 ______, he would not have recovered so quickly. (1995年考试真题)

选项 A、Hadn’t he been taken good care of
B、Had he not been taken good care of
C、Had not he been taken good care of
D、Had he been not taken good care of

答案 B

解析 本题考查if从句的倒装。如果if从句中含有were,should,had,可以省掉if,将were,should,had放到主语之前。这里需要特别注意的是,只是将were,had,should提前,所以不能选择A和C;D答案错在否定词not的位置显然是错误的。