It was not until he closed the door ______ he ______ he forgot Io take the keys

游客2023-11-06  11

问题 It was not until he closed the door ______ he ______ he forgot Io take the keys with him.

选项 A、that, realized
B、did, realize
C、which, realized
D、when, realized

答案 A

解析 此题考查强调句型。It was not until…是一种特殊的强调时间状语的句型,后面用肯定句式,整个句子译为“直到…才”。“It is/was+被强调部分+that/who/whom+句子的其他部分”是英语中最常见的强调句型,使用这种句型要注意以下几方面的问题:(1)be动词只有时态变化,没有数的变化,不管被强调的部分是单数还是复数只能用is或was,(2)如果被强调的部分是人称代词,该人称代词可以用主格,也可以用宾格,在非正式文体中多用宾格。如;"It was she (her) that told