A、One of both sides has no experience about what goes wrong in a marriage.B、Bot

游客2023-10-29  12


选项 A、One of both sides has no experience about what goes wrong in a marriage.
B、Both man and wife want to talk about everything openly and honestly.
C、Either the man or his wife thinks their marriage is not very romantic.
D、A person has different expectations from his or her spouse.

答案 D

解析 女士提到,他们发现当一个人对另一半有不同的期望时,很多问题就出现了。D项A person has different expectations from his or her spouse与原文一致,是婚姻出现很多问题的原因。女士和她丈夫都不是第一次结婚,因此A“双方对于婚姻中的错误都没有经验”不对。B“男人和妻子都想开诚布公地谈论所有事情”是解决问题的方式,不是出现问题的原因。C“男人或妻子认为他们的婚姻不是很浪漫”与对话不符。