New words enter the English language all the time. In fact, English has alwa
New words enter the English language all the time. In fact, English has alwa
New words enter the English language all the time. In fact, English has always been in a state of【T1】________. And in recent years, more and more words and phrases have entered the language. But where do all these new words come from?【T2】________. So if you’ve got a new development in medicine, for example bird flu, then you’ll get a new word coming out of that. If there’s a military【T3】________, that may well bring all sorts of new words to the fore. Going back in time, the First and Second World Wars were times of great【T4】________of language because people from different countries met each other and exchanged their words and words developed from there. So words come from the playground.【T5】________. They come from any area of life because every area of life is changing from day to day. And does English have more words than any other language? It certainly has more than other European languages and probably more than any other language in the world. English is【T6】________from so many different bits.
Originally it was a【T7】________language and then after the Norman Conquest in 1066 there was an【T8】________influx of French words. And it comes from a country, the United Kingdom, which was quite an expansive, trading,【T9】________power in the past and all these have brought【T10】________other new words into the language. [br] 【T4】
New words enter the English language all the time. In fact, English has always been in a state of evolution. And in recent years, more and more words and phrases have entered the language. But where do all these new words come from? Words come out of the culture that they represent and they describe. So if you’ve got a new development in medicine, for example bird flu, then you’ll get a new word coming out of that. If there’s a military conflict, that may well bring all sorts of new words to the fore. Going back in time, the First and Second World Wars were times of great creativity of language because people from different countries met each other and exchanged their words and words developed from there. So words come from the playground. They come from politics. They come from any area of life because every area of life is changing from day to day. And does English have more words than any other language? It certainly has more than other European languages and probably more than any other language in the world. English is put together from so many different bits.
Originally it was a Germanic language and then after the Norman Conquest in 1066 there was an enormous influx of French words. And it comes from a country, the United Kingdom, which was quite an expansive, trading, colonial power in the past and all these have brought all sorts of other new words into the language.
A. B. C. D.
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