—Excuse me, Mrs. Bell, do you have a minute?—Of course, John. How can I help yo

游客2023-10-21  11

问题 —Excuse me, Mrs. Bell, do you have a minute?
—Of course, John. How can I help you?
—Well, my English vocabulary is so limited. ______
—Well, all learners are different and learn in different ways. What do you like doing?
—I like writing.
—So I think it’s easier to learn words if you write them down.

选项 A、How can you improve your oral English?
B、I don’t like reading.
C、You can help me if you like.
D、What’s the best way to memorize English words?

答案 D

解析 句意:一贝尔太太,打扰一下,你有时间吗?一当然有,约翰。有什么能帮你的吗?一嗯,我的英语词汇十分有限,记忆单词最好的方法是什么?根据上下文可知,约翰应该是问一些与记忆单词有关的问题,将D项代入对话,符合句意。