—How are you doing since you quit your teaching job?—______I work outdoors now,

游客2023-10-19  11

问题 —How are you doing since you quit your teaching job?
—______I work outdoors now, as a gardener. The money is not so good, but I love the work!
—That’ s good. You were really brave to make the change.

选项 A、What a tiring job!
B、Don’t mention it.
C、I’ m doing great!
E、You’ re quite right.

答案 C

解析 根据上下文推断,双方讨论换工作后的生活。选项A为“多么无聊的工作”;选项B为“不客气”:选项C为“我很好”;选项D为“请再说一遍”;选项E为“你是对的”。根据句意,故选C。