Why does Carl meet the woman? [br] [originaltext]W: Hello Carl. So ... I hear y

游客2023-10-17  15

问题 Why does Carl meet the woman? [br]  
W: Hello Carl. So ... I hear you can help me nail this upcoming interview.
M: Our company specializes in media matters. We can help you learn how to put your best foot forward, what pitfalls to avoid and how to sound friendly without sounding insincere.
W: Those would be good points...okay, let’s hear what you got.
M: I’ve been trying to quit cigarettes for years! And today I’m almost 2 weeks into my programme !
W: Wow, congratulations! I quit 10 years ago, but then again, I was never really a serious smoker.
M: Well, I’ve only been smoke-free for 11 days, so I can’t pat myself on the back too much. But yes, it has been really tough...probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life.

选项 A、Less than two weeks ago.
B、About two months ago.
C、Some four years ago.
D、More than ten years ago.

答案 A

解析 录音开始男士便指出几年以来自己一直在努力戒烟,今天已经“almost 2 weeks into myprogramme”,之后他又提到“I’ve only been smoke—free for 11 days”,可知男士这次戒烟才11天,即还不到两周,因此答案选A项。