[img]2014m3x/ct_eyyjscz2013j_eyyjscreadc_0174_20138[/img] David Blaine calls
[img]2014m3x/ct_eyyjscz2013j_eyyjscreadc_0174_20138[/img] David Blaine calls
David Blaine calls himself an illusionist—a kind of magician who appears to do spectacular and often dangerous tricks. Among his more widely publicized feats, Blaine has been buried alive for a week, spent sixty hours encased in a hollow block of ice, and spent thirty-five hours standing on a platform 50 centimeters in diameter at the top of a 30-metre high pillar. In 2003 , the thirty-year-old illusionist from New York spent forty-four days in a clear plastic box that was hanging from a crane above the Thames River in Lon-don. But there was more to this trick than just staying in a small box for such a long time. Blaine also went without food for the entire period living nothing but water the whole time.
On the day Blaine entered the box and the crane lifted him high above the river, a crowd of curious spectators gathered to watch. For the next six weeks the crowds continued to drop by the site to watch Blaine sleeping, writing in his journal, and staring back at them. However, not everyone just wanted to watch. Some people came to give Blaine a hard time and to do things to break the magician’s will and force him to come down. A few people threw things at his box or grilled food under it so that the smell would float up to the starving performer. One person even went so far as to try and cut the hose carrying water up to Blaine’s box, but security guards stopped the vandal before he could do any damage. Finally, after forty-four days up in the air, Blaine was lowered to the ground and released from his box. He was weak and much thinner than before, but the performer still managed to give a short speech to the crowd gathered to watch him emerge. Then he was put in an ambulance and rushed to a hospital where he spent the next week recovering from his ordeal.
Not everyone in the crowd was satisfied with the ending of the magician’s stunt. They had come expecting to see a dramatic finale. Some of the suggestions for ending the feat in a spectacular way included dropping the box into the river and watching Blaine escape, or opening the box in the air and letting Blaine jump out. Or, in a true magician’s fashion, some people wanted to see him vanish into thin air, leaving a white rabbit in his place.
So what did David Blaine finally accomplish through this amazing feat of endurance? He certainly generated a lot of headlines! Along with a number of articles appearing in newspapers on both sides of the Atlantic, various websites sprang up both supporting and criticizing the man and his stunt. [br] Unsatisfied with Blaine’s hanging stunt, some people expected to see him perform______at the end.
more dramatically
乳腺癌手术后开始肩部活动的时间一般应为术后()A.第3天 B.第5天 C.第
在输配电设备中,最容易遭受雷击的设备是()。A.变压器 B.断路器 C.输
收受订金的一方不履行约定的债务的,应当双倍返还定金。( )
安全生产中作业人员的权利包括( )。 A、了解其作业场所和工作岗位存在的危险
案例十一: 阅读材料回答下列问题: 下面是某求助者MMPI-2的测验结果: