Xiamen is well-known as "Hawaii in the East" with colorful view and rich folk cu

游客2023-10-02  38

问题 Xiamen is well-known as "Hawaii in the East" with colorful view and rich folk culture. It has attracted many tourists from around the world. Since the 1990s, tourism(旅游?) in Xiamen has gained an unexpected development , with a great number of visitors each year coming to enjoy the variety and beauty that this sea-side resort(?地) offer.


答案 厦门有着绮丽的风光和丰富的民间文化,因此被称为“东方夏威夷”。厦门吸引着来自世界各地的游客。从20世纪90年代以来,厦门的旅游业就得到了长足的发展。每年都有无数游客来到这里享受这个海滨胜地的美丽和多样化。

解析 本段第一句中,with后面跟的是伴随状语,在翻译成中文的时候,鉴于其同前面句子有着因果关系,因此翻译成汉语时用因果关系的并列句较好,这样句式结构才符合汉语的说法。同样,最后一句也是with后面跟状语,此时,因为后面的状语部分较长,因此把这句话拆开翻译较好。最后一句中that this sea—sideresort has to offer直译的话就是“这个海滨胜地提供的…”,也不符合汉语的语言习惯,因此在翻译时,应省略掉has to offer,直接翻译成“这个海滨胜地的…”。