Today, moving and changing are as much a part of a modem businessman’s way of li

游客2023-09-28  34

问题 Today, moving and changing are as much a part of a modem businessman’s way of life as they were a part of the native American’s or the early pioneer’s way of life. And this trend is toward even greater mobility (移动), particularly within the management sector (层面) of American business. Since most jobs take only a year to a year and a half to master, in order to continue learning, most young people have to make a job change to strengthen their management training.


答案 今日,调动和迁移与现代实业家的生活方式不可分割,正如当年它们曾是美洲土著或早期开拓者们生活方式的一部分一样。这种移动的倾向越来越厉害,在美国企业中的管理层尤其如此。因为大部分工作只需一到一年半的时间就能掌握,所以为了继续学习,大部分年轻人不得不跳槽,以强化/巩固他们的管理知识。
