[originaltext]W: Hi, Jack. Good news.M: What is it?W: I’ve got a job offer fr

游客2023-09-20  12

W: Hi, Jack. Good news.
M: What is it?
W: I’ve got a job offer from ABC Company.
M: Is that true? What will you do there?
W: Assistant engineer in the Department of Product Development.
M: Great. You have got your dream job. Congratulations.
W: Thank you.
M: When will you start working there?
W: Next Monday.
M: Then let’s celebrate it tonight. How about having dinner together?
W: Good idea.
6. What news does the woman tell the man?
7. What suggestion does the man make for celebration?

选项 A、She has got a job offer.
B、She has got a promotion.
C、Her company has launched a new product.
D、Her company has received a big order.

答案 A

解析 事实细节题。本题询问女士告诉男士什么消息。对话开头女士就说有好消息要告诉男士,她收到了ABC 公司的工作通知。A项She has got a job offer(她收到了工作通知)与原文一致,为答案。