When C and D are established, workers in these industries______. [br] No employe

游客2023-09-17  11

问题 When C and D are established, workers in these industries______. [br] No employer, without government aid will yet be able to afford to hire labor to exploit the opportunities represented by C and D because ______.

选项 A、productivity of labor is not it the maximum
B、we cannot produce everything we consume
C、the population has increased
D、enterprisers would have to pay wages equivalent to those obtained by workers in A an B, while producing under greater economic disadvantages

答案 D

解析 文章第二段最后一句提到,But no employer,without government aid,will yet be able to afford to hire labor to exploit the opportunities represented by C and D,unless there is a further increase in population。由此可知,如果不是政府扶持,这些劣势行业根本雇佣不起工人,故选D,同时可以排除C。事实上,生产力处于maximum的只有A行业,优劣行业差别在于是否优于国外相应行业,所以A.“生产力不是最高”不是劣势行业雇不起工人的根本原因。根据文章第三段首句可排除B。