The text indicates that leadership research ______. [br] A leader can hardly mai

游客2023-09-17  11

问题 The text indicates that leadership research ______. [br] A leader can hardly maintain his/her position unless he/she ______.

选项 A、fulfils, all necessary quality requirements
B、helps people to prevent defeats and sorrows
C、fails Co attract people with common concerns
D、lacks appealing and strength of character

答案 A

解析 文章第三段提到了使人经历严峻考验,而不被击溃的四种必备品质(four essential qualities)。接着在下一段中举例说明,指出某些领导人因缺乏其中之一而惨遭失败的结局。由此可以推出 ,四种品质缺一不可,故A正确。