Without the talking binoculars, a scout during radio silent scouting missions __

游客2023-09-17  11

问题 Without the talking binoculars, a scout during radio silent scouting missions ______. [br] On the future battlefield, laser technology will be used ______.

选项 A、in the communication between vehicles and aircrafts only
B、to both sending information to and receiving information from satellites
C、widely in war due to its high capacity and low weight
D、exclusively to handle the transmission of voice messages

答案 C

解析 由题干关键词定位到第六段第三句。该句话的数字说明激光装置不但可以传送大容量的信息,而且重量轻,因此具有广阔的军事应用前景,C与之相符。第六段第一句指出坦克和飞机直接的激光通信只是一个举例,故排除A;第六段最后一句说明激光可以传送来自卫星的信息,不说明可以向卫星发送信息,故排除B;第五段第三句指出激光不仅可以传送声音,还可以传送图片、数据等,故排除D。